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Power House Speaker & more...
Personal & Business Coach
Author, TV & Radio Host.
Certified National Speaker.
Event Planner.
President/Founder GSFE - Global Society for Female Entrepreneurs.
Former Global Coordinator NAFE - National Association of Female Entrepreneurs.
25 years expertise in Marketing and Public Relations.
15 years as a Personal and Business Coach.
Known as the Queen of Global connections.
Expertise also in the government marketplace.
Formed her own 501 c3 Global Society for Female Entrepreneurs non profit in 2017.
Coaching can be done over the phone at a time convenient for you seven days a week or in person.
What People Say about Robbie!
“I heard Robbie Speak at a Leadership event, she was dynamic. What inspired me to listen to her every word was her ability to motivate, not only me but the entire audience to go into action by her motto’s – It’s all about SHOWING UP and ASKING”. Carmelita Rood
“You are an inspiration to all women of today, yesterday and tomorrow! I love your energy, radiance and posture. If others could attain just 25% of your nobility the world would be a better place to live, work and recreate”. Tammy Varner
Robbie is an energetic marketing Powerhouse! She networks and promotes, she organizes and leads, she cheers and coaches but more than anything, Robbie does it all with humility. It is rare to come across someone who is as authentic as she is”. Tracey Downey-Racen
Robbie, Words cannot express my gratitude for your love, support, coaching, and guidance. Thank you helping me to be restored back to my rightful place! The key in this season is to stay focused and to show up! Be open for mentoring and coaching because sometimes a coach needs a coach! You are the best coach Robbie Motter, In your words, “Show up” “Get it done” “Stay focused”. Stephanie Popular, Maryland
Robbie Motter is very consistent in supporting women; she brings women together through NAFE and other powerful networking events. She might be 83 years old but her attitude and personality is young at heart; one of a 30 year old and admired by all. Robbie’s leadership & Coaching abilities has provided value in multiple ways. First, what’s she stands for, her character and how she adds values to others. She taught me how to be a better leader, challenging myself and be open to change. I’ve learned working together helping others we accomplishes so much more. I’m always reinventing myself and my business, learning to look for improvements and what is missing and how to dream bigger and celebrate current successes as I’ve celebrated a lot since I’ve met Robbie and help other women celebrate their successes too. I’ve learned to see the potential in other people and in myself as a leader as we never stop learning. My challenge was embracing change, now embracing change is an ever day occurrence, change is a great thing and creates growth.
Shelly Rufin, MSHS, Temecula, CA.
Ms. Robbie Motter is by far the most relevant leader I have ever known. Since our meeting 15 years ago, she has made a profound impact on my professional life. Her mentor ship has “set the bar” as a premier leader in building advancement opportunities for women in business nationwide. She gives of herself & all resources available in order to share the wealth of abundance, empowerment, success to achieve unlimited possibilities. If you know Robbie, you are blessed with her wisdom, & courage to never give up on your dreams. Deborah Pierson
Robbie Motter is a top notch communications professional with a diverse background with expertise in Public Relations, professional speaking & government contracting. She is smart, talented and a professional through & through and someone that is “networked” throughout the country. If you are looking for a speaker that will keep your audience captivated or just looking to get some “ink” I highly recommend Robbie! As a fellow PR professional she’s one of the best in the industry! Lauren Garvey
Contact Robbie Today
For your next event and/or to guide you in your business
Phone: 951-255-9200
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